IbrahimLumumbaOmar’s blog

Omar Fanon. Patrice Lumumba. Chama Cha Mapinduzi.



米国は、ベトナム戦争で、678機のF4ファントムII、243機のF-100スーパーセイバー、382機のF-105サンダーチーフ、363機のA-4スカイホーク、139機のF-8 クルーセイダー、87機のA-6イントルーダー、106機のA-7コルセア、310機のAH-1ヒューイコブラ、241機のCH-46、2792機のUH-1ヒューイなどなどを失った。


< 米国航空機 >

(1) 米空軍
All told, the U.S. Air Force flew 5.25 million sorties over South Vietnam, North Vietnam, northern and southern Laos, and Cambodia, losing 2,251 aircraft: 1,737 to hostile action, and 514 in accidents. 2,197 of the losses were fixed-wing, and the remainder rotary-wing. 
(1-1) 米空軍固定翼機
* A-1 Skyraider—191 total, 150 in comba
A-7D Corsair II six total, four in combat
A-26 Invader—22 total
A-37 Dragonfly—22 total
AC-47 Spooky—19 total, 12 in combat
AC-119 Shadow/Stinger—six total, two in combat
AC-130 Spectre—six total, all in combat
B-52 Stratofortress—31 total (17 in combat, two more being scrapped after sustaining battle damage, and 12 crashed in flight accidents)
B-57 Canberra—56 total, 38 in combat
E/RB-66 Destroyer—14 total
EC-121 BatCat—2 total, 0 combat
F-4 Phantom II—445 total, 382 in combat
F-5 Freedom Fighter—9 total
F-100 Super Sabre—243 total, 198 in combat
F-102 Delta Dagger—14 total, 7 in combat
F-104 Starfighter—14 total, 9 in comba
F-105D Thunderchief—335 total, 283 in combat
F-105F/G Thunderchief—47 total, 37 combat
F-111A Aardvark—11 total, 6 in combat
O-2 Skymaster—104 total, 82 in combat
OV-10 Bronco—63 total, 47 in combat
RF-4C Phantom II—83 total, 76 in combat
RF-101 Voodoo—39 total, 33 in combat
SR-71A Blackbird—2 total, 0 combat
U-2C "Dragon Lady"—1 total, 0 combat

(2) 米海軍
Twenty-one aircraft carriers conducted 86 war cruises and operated 9,178 total days on the line in the Gulf of Tonkin. 532 aircraft were lost in combat and 329 more to operational causes, resulting in the deaths of 401 naval aviators, with 64 airmen reported missing and 179 taken prisoner of war.
(2-1) 米海軍、航空母艦搭載、固定翼機
A-1 Skyraider—65 total, 48 in combat
A-3 Skywarrior—7 total, 2 in combat
A-4 Skyhawk—282 total, 195 in combat
A-6 Intruder—62 total, 51 in combat
A-7 Corsair—100 total, 55 in combat
E-1 Tracer—3 total, 0 in combat
E-2 Hawkeye—2 total, 0 in combat
F-4 Phantom—138 total, 75 in combat
F-8 Crusader—118 total, 57 in combat
RA-5 Vigilante—27 total, 18 in combat
RF-8 Crusader—29 total, 19 in combat
S-2 Tracker—5 total, 3 in combat
(2-2) 米海軍回転翼機
SH-2/UH-2 Sea Sprite—12 lost, 0 in combat
SH-3 Sea King—20 lost, 8 in combat

(3) 米海兵隊
U.S. Marine Corps aircraft lost in combat included 193 fixed-wing and 270 rotary-wing aircraft.
(3-1) 米海兵隊固定翼機
A-4 Skyhawk—81 lost
A-6 Intruder—25 lost+
EA-6A Intruder—2 lost
EF-10 Skynight—5 lost
F-4 Phantom—95 lost, 72 combat
F-8 Crusader—21 lost
(3-2) 米海兵隊回転翼機
AH-1 Cobra—7 lost
HUS-1—75 lost
UH-1E Huey—69 lost
CH-46D Sea Knight—109 lost
CH-53 Sea Stallion—9 lost

(4) 米陸軍
(4-2) 米陸軍回転翼機 5,195+
AH-1G—303 lost+
CH-47A—83 lost
CH-47B—20 lost
CH-47C—29 lost
OH-13S—147 lost
OH-23G—93 lost
OH-58A—45 lost
OH-6A—842 lost
UH-1—60 lost
UH-1A—1 lost
UH-1C—365 lost
UH-1D—886 lost
UH-1E—90 lost
UH-1F—18 lost
UH-1H—1,313 lost
UH-34D—176 lost



The wreckage of a US Air force B-52 Stratofortress, shot down over Hanoi in 1972.


A U.S. Air Force F-105D Thunderchief shot down


A U.S. aircraft shot down over North Vietnam, 1968


USAF F-4 Phantom II destroyed during the Tet Offensive


RF-4 explodes after being hit by SA-2 missile.


MiG-21 No.4326, which shot down 13 aircraft during the war