IbrahimLumumbaOmar’s blog

Omar Fanon. Patrice Lumumba. Chama Cha Mapinduzi.

Project Hula

Japan has been lying.
The U.S. has been remaining silent about Project Hula.
Japan and the U.S. are evil.

Information about the history of the territorial issue of the Kuril Islands is completely controlled by the Japanese government.
And, as a result, there are too many anticommunists and fascists in Japan.
Japan has been systematically increasing anticommunists and fascists in Japan.

So, Japan and the U.S. are evil.

Project Hula
Project Hula was a program during World War II in which the United States transferred naval vessels to the Soviet Union in anticipation of the Soviets eventually joining the war against Japan, specifically in preparation for planned Soviet invasions of southern Sakhalin and the Kuril islands.
Based at Cold Bay in the Territory of Alaska, the project was active during the spring and summer of 1945.
It was the largest and most ambitious transfer program of World War II.

Choosing a locatio
On 18 January 1945, the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations and Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Navy, Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, contacted the Commander of the North Pacific Force, Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher, to alert him that the United States planned to transfer approximately 250 ships and craft to the Soviet Union between April and December 1945, and that about 2,500 personnel would be present at any given time at the transfer site with a two-week cycle of personnel turnover; he also inquired as to whether Dutch Harbor could accommodate such a program.

King officially established the transfer-and-training program as Project Hula in mid-February 1945 and ordered Fletcher to commence the rehabilitation of the United States Army facilities at Cold Bay's Fort Randall, which had been closed in November 1944.
He advised Fletcher that an officer appointed to take charge of the training and his staff would arrive at Cold Bay by 24 March 1945, and that the first 2,500 Soviet trainees would arrive by 1 April 1945, with 550 more to follow by 1 May and another 2,000 by 1 June.

As the plan was finalized, the United States was to transfer 180 ships – 30 Tacoma-class patrol frigates (U.S. Navy hull classification symbol PF), 24 Admirable-class minesweepers (AM), 36 auxiliary motor minesweepers (YMS), 30 large infantry landing craft (LCI(L)), 56 submarine chasers (SC), and four floating workshops (YR) – to the Soviet Union, by 1 November 1945, training about 15,000 Soviet Navy personnel to operate them.

Training and transfers
The first 220 Soviet officers and 1,895 enlisted men began training at Cold Bay on 16 April 1945, divided by ship type and then further divided by individual ship assignment.

Despite these difficulties, the first convoy of transferred ships – three minesweepers and five auxiliary motor minesweepers – departed Cold Bay for the Soviet Union on 28 May 1945; the second – of three minesweepers and six submarine chasers – departed on 30 May, with one of its submarine chasers dropping out at Adak, for repairs, and the third, made up of three minesweepers and seven submarine chasers, left on 7 June 1945.

Training 100 Soviet officers and 800 enlisted men for the transfer of 30 large infantry landing craft (LCI(L)) in two training cycles began on 7 May 1945 and proved to be the most successful of the Project Hula training programs.

Training and transfer results
Project Hula was "the largest and most ambitious transfer program of World War II."
During the 142 days between the commencement of training activities at Cold Bay on 16 April 1945 and the transfer of the last four ships there on 4 September 1945, U.S. Navy Detachment 3294 trained some 12,000 Soviet Navy personnel – about 750 officers and 11,250 enlisted men – and transferred 149 ships and craft – 28 patrol frigates (PF), 24 minesweepers (AM), 30 large infantry landing craft (LCI(L)), 31 auxiliary motor minesweepers (YMS), 32 submarine chasers (SC), and four floating workshops (YR) – at Cold Bay.




プロジェクト・フラ(英語: Project Hula)は、太平洋戦争末期、ソ連対日参戦に備えてアメリカ合衆国(米国)とソビエト連邦ソ連)とが合同で実施した極秘軍事作戦である
1943年に建造されたアレンタウン (哨戒フリゲート)の場合、1945年4月7日この作戦に投入されることになり、6月7日コールドベイに向かった[3]。
7月12日レンドリース法によりソ連海軍に引き渡され、ЭК-9(エーカー・ジェーヴィチ)と命名された[注釈 1][3]。


